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 Bay State African Violet

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Looking for books

02/27/2020 7:45 PM | Anonymous member

Anyone have any favorite books on  raising these glorious beauties?  I have resently moved and my plants are not happy. It's time to step up my knowledge to sooth them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



  • 03/28/2020 5:49 PM | Cindy Brooks
    One of the best resources you should have is from AVSA. It is called Handbook for Growers, Exhibitors, and Judges. It costs $15 or $10 if you are a member of AVSA. The other book we all refer to as our"bible" is Growing to Show by Pauline Bartholomew. It also is available on the AVSA web site.
    Good Luck Kelli!
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The Bay State African Violet Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Massachusetts

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