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 Bay State African Violet

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Think About It

07/02/2024 9:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Think About It

By Colleen Delmolino

Reprint From July 1980 Ye Bay Stater

Even though our shows may be a distance away, one cannot procrastinate in regards to the care given African violets.

 REMEMBER—a few minutes a day keeps trouble away!

 It only takes a moment to check and see if plants need water, if their leaves should be brushed and/or washed; is it fertilizing time (if you don’t subscribe to the constant feed method); any signs of “trouble”? Catch “trouble” before it is too late. Does the plant need repotting?

Take each phase of the care that your African violet requires, step by step, and on a regular and consistent basis. That will help you to achieve success.

 Haphazard care and prolonged periods of neglect only breed trouble (and don’t be fooled by those who claim that their magnificent were only the products of “those who thrive on neglect.” That just isn’t so.) You might get away with letting a plant wilt once, but don’t think you can get away with it too often. And then one has the tendency to drown the same plant. Severe damage will eventually occur. So, again, we can’t let constant care go by the wayside.

 REMEMBER: A few minutes each day pays off in the end; and haphazard care and prolonged neglect will only result in failure.


  • 07/18/2024 10:01 AM | Cindy Brooks
    I printed this article to hang in my plant room!
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The Bay State African Violet Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Massachusetts

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