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 Bay State African Violet

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Why Doesn't My Violet Bloom?

02/28/2017 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
Why Doesn’t My Violet Bloom? By Nancy Manozzi

There are several reasons why an African violet won’t bloom. This time of year, the answer may be simple, especially if you grow in a window. The days are short and the light is scarce, therefore too little light. Also, if the plants are too close to the window, it’s COLD! Feel the leaves and if they’re cold to the touch, it’s too cold. Either put a sheer curtain in the window, place newspaper or a towel on the sill, or move the plants a few feet back from the window. However, moving the violets further from the light source may hinder bloom even more. You can supplement light by using a table lamp, but remember, violets do need at least 8 hours of darkness daily.

How long have your violets been in the same pot in the same potting mix? If it’s over a year, they need to be repotted in fresh soil. Use a light and airy soilless potting mix which will provide good drainage. The ingredients should consist of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite. Repot annually or better yet, every 6 months, as the mix breaks down over time and may become too acidic.

Do you fertilize often enough or do you fertilize at all? Try a fertilizer recommended for African violets and use the constant feed method. Rather than try to remember when you fertilized last, feed every time you water at one quarter the recommended strength. Fill a gallon container with ¼ tsp of fertilizer and water with that every time. Once a month, use plain water to flush any build up of fertilizer salts.

Proper watering is one of the most important factors in a healthy, blooming violet. Use room temperature or tepid water and only water when the top of the soil feels slightly dry. Violets like to be slightly moist, never wet. You can water from the top or the bottom but only when needed. They do not like “wet feet” so should never sit in water for longer than it takes to drink up what’s needed. Once the top of the soil feels moist, empty any remaining water in the saucer. You may be able to tell when watering is needed by lifting the entire pot—when the pot seems light, it is probably time to water.

The air quality is also an important factor. African violets like good air circulation, 40%-50% humidity and no drafts. Fresh circulating air may be created with a fan, but shouldn’t blow directly on the plants. Keep your plants away from open windows to avoid drafts. You might open a window, very slightly, in an adjoining room for a short while, when it’s not too cold outside.

How many crowns or suckers do your single-crowned violets have? Suckers, or small leaves growing from the stem, rather than the crown, should be continually removed. Suckers will compete for space, food and moisture, and will affect the overall performance of your violet. So, keep your single-crowned plants to one crown.

African violets need constant, consistent care. Turn them every few days (or when you dust), water when dry, feed them regularly, give them enough light, pick off the old blossoms, keep the leaves clean and repot every 6-12 months. Give them the attention they deserve. If after doing all these things, your violet still doesn’t bloom, try another variety. Some plants may just not be for you!

The Bay State African Violet Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Massachusetts

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