We are looking forward to spring and invite you to attend our annual African violet show and plant sale at the end of April. This event will take place at the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in Boylston, MA.
We will have a judged show of African violet plants and designs. There will also be 2 free educational workshops - presented on Saturday ONLY. And hundreds of gorgeous African violets will be for sale!
Please note - our event will be of SHORTER duration this year. Saturday the show will be on full display, and lots of plants will be for sale in the sales room. Friday will be our set-up, preparation and judging day. Some sale plants will be member-grown but most are being obtained from Lyndon Lyons Greenhouses in NY State. We will have a vendor, Enchanted Gardens, selling supplies on Saturday as well.
Please note - the BSAVS show and sale will NOT extend to Sunday this year.
Information on hours and admission to the New England Botanic Garden can be found on their web page. So save the date now and we hope to see you there!
The Bay State African Violet Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Massachusetts