You are invited to a free ZOOM Lecture!
Saturday, September 26, 2020 @ 3pm EST
Do you grow streptocarpus? Would you like to know how to grow them better? Exhibiting streptocarpus in AVSA shows is fun and rewarding.
The Bay State African Violet Society, Inc. is offering you a unique opportunity to listen to gesneriad expert Dale Martens, as she shares her considerable expertise on this subject.
Discovering Streptocarpus
A thirty-minute online lecture by Dale Martens
In this lecture you will learn:
Dale Martens has introduced a variety of new hybrids to the world. Streptocarpus 'Texas Hot Chili' and all the variegated streps with "Ice" or "Iced” as well as “Polar” as first names are among her hybrids. Dale was AVSA's "Gesneri-Advice" Columnist for 5 years. She is currently a Master gesneriad judge and has taught gesneriad judging schools in the US and Canada. Dale is the “Back to Basics” columnist for the Gesneriads journal. She says the highlight of her adventures with African violets was receiving AVSA's Bronze Medal. In May this year she was invited to be a speaker at the virtual AVSA convention.
We will record the presentation and share it only with our members. Even if you cannot attend live, you should still register! Registration starts soon! Once you have registered you will receive a Zoom link to use on the meeting time and date.
The Bay State African Violet Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Massachusetts